Friday, January 27, 2006

My Grandmother

My grandmother passed away last night. She was over 80, and was living with advanced Alzheimer's in a nursing home. Still, her death came rather suddenly, and none of us really got the chance to say a proper goodbye. It's really fallen at an awkward time--my mother closed on her house last night and has spent the past two nights trying to get everything out of the house and ready for the new owners. She hasn't slept either of the past nights. All she's done is packed and cleaned. Now she's preparing to drive to North Carolina. Please pray for my mom. Her name is Jewel, as was her mother's. Please also include my grandfather, Ishmael.
Because of all this, Wendy and I won't be able to make the Gaelic Storm show on Saturday, but I hope the rest of you will still attend. I'd like to think that my friends, at least, will be celebrating even as my family mourns.
I'm not concerned about my grandmother, she loved Jesus like few other people I've known. She's doing very, very well right now.

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