Monday, February 20, 2006

Scripture for Tuesday

Wendy, Danny, Michelle and I visited Christ Church with Mark and Rosie on Sunday, where the pastor's sermon focused on having a heart for God's house, for God's word--essentially, for God. He suggested that members find out what scripture the pastor would be preaching on the following Sunday so that they could prepare their hearts and minds to feast on God's word on Sunday. In keeping with that idea, here's this week's scripture along with some questions to get you thinking before you arrive.

Scripture: Matthew 7

(verses 1-2)
1) Paul writes in Romans 14:10 "...why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat." Does all judging imply a looking down? What is the difference between 'judging' and correcting our brothers?
2) Just from personal experience, how are people who are judgmental received in society?
(verses 3-5)
3) If we are to pluck from our own eye the plank before helping our brother with his speck of dust, just how sanctified do we need to be before correcting or seeking to lead our brother?
(verse 6)
4) I've always taken this verse pretty literally, and never really considered its context. Looking at it now, is it possible that Jesus is being a little ironic? Is it possible that our 'pearls' are our corrections and sniping criticisms? If so, it certainly makes sense that they would be received with violence.
(verses 13-29)
5) The rest of the passage seems centered around receiving the kingdom of Heaven. What theme is central to achieving that?

Now, don't feel the need to answer all of these just because I put a tremendous amount of work into them and formatted the post ever-so-thoughtfully. Seriously, I do suggest at least a quick look at the scripture before we meet up tomorrow because, hey, God's word is good.


o said...


Per last night's discussion: I just wanted to say that I love our conversations, and the discussions that we have over what J.P. calls "tensions in scripture." The different views are awesome, and I appreciate that we can challenge each other in such a constructive and peaceful manner. Really good stuff!



Danny said...

I agree with Art. It really opens up the scripture than just me reading it with my view on its meaning.