Sunday, May 07, 2006

A message from Rosie

Hey house churchers,

I feel like Mark and I just can't stop talking about the church we attend, which is probably a good sign for us, but requires much endurance for y'all.

Below are some things that happen weekly at Christ Church, now located at the corner of Richland and Barnwell Streets.

If you would like to join Mark and I at any of these times and places, please do!
You can call me to ask for more info, a ride, or to stop talking about Christ Church.
Or you can just arrive on scene. You are most welcome!

[Rosie put her phone number here, but I thought that wasn't such a great thing to have on a public blog, so email J.P. or Wendy if you'd like Rosie's number]

1. Ladies Bible study on the Parables of Christ
2. Crave: Wednesday evening youth fellowship
3. Visitors interactive Sunday School with Pastor Bowers
4. Sunday Vespers and dinner with other Christ Church college/young professionals at our place

1. This Bible study just for the ladies begins Wednesday June 14th and continues throughout the summer months. It is held Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00pm at Christ Church. Women of all ages are welcomed (and sure to be present). There may be a fee of $5.00 to purchase a study guide. I attended the last Bible study on the Promises of God, and it is truly a study. That said, many women were only able to attend periodically, or unable to always complete their study guide. The purpose is to grow in our relationship with Christ, and to grow in our understanding of God's word. If you want to register let me know, otherwise you can just arrive/visit without registering.

2. Crave is also on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm at Christ Church. This is a young adult fellowship with worship songs and great teaching from our youth pastor Rod Arters. Mark and I have met many awesome Christian folk through Crave, and continue to be blessed by the no nonsense teaching : )

3. With the move from Irmo to downtown, Christ Church initiated a new Sunday school class with Pastor Bowers, specifically for visitors. Apparently he outlines the ethos of the Church and then responds to questions from the visitors. We are not allowed to attend this class unless we bring a visitor... so when 9:15am Sunday morning rolls around please help Mark and I sneak into the visitors class. Of course, following Sunday school is the Sunday worship service at 10:30am... until it is finished.

4.Lord's Day evening is a Vespers service from 6:oo-7:15pm, generally continuing the teaching from the morning, although many who are members at other churches attend just this evening service. Following the service, Mark and I (or another young couple) host our generation for dinner. Another good time to meet good Christians. You are also welcome to join us for dinner at 7:30pm even without attending any of the above!! Athough it is written we don't live by bread alone...

In Love,

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