Tuesday, May 23, 2006

and then a squirrell ran through my brain


o said...

Is this closer to the mark, Mark?

o said...


Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree. It is not the caffeine but Thebromine that is the toxic chemical found in chocolate that affects dogs adversely. Although caffeine is also present in chocolate, it is in much smaller amounts.

Theobromine's effect on the canine body:

It is a stimulant to the CNS - Central Nervous System/ It is a stimulant to the cardiovascular system/ It increases blood pressure/ It causes nausea and vomiting

Three important factors determine the degree of damage and toxicity; the size of the dog, the type of chocolate eaten and the amount of chocolate consumed.

Also, the squirrell is filled with a gooey theobromine nougat.

J.P. said...

On love, kryptonite, and sweet, chocolatey k-9 death